A Sister in Christ told me once, that times of waiting are time to/for preparation. Little did I know that I would put that little piece of information to use, over and over and over. You see, once one discovers something as big as that statement, sometimes it has to settle in more than once. During this last week I had a very dear friend of mine very ill in the Hospital. Being that I am very “Hospital Environmentally Friendly,” I have spent countless hours there with friends and family, and also with/by myself. No, they need not return me to English 101. What I am stating is that many times I’ve sat there at the Hospital too, simply in wait. As my friend went into an Emergency Heart Catherization, and gave me clear instructions, do not call my parents; do not call my children, if anything happens, call my older brother… Something was happening! And against every impulse in my Christine personality, I sat there, in wait. I took no action. As I sat there, and the noise of the loud group around me disappeared into the background, I entered into HIS presence. We are mistaken if we believe that we must be in a kneeling position to speak with God, our hearts have to be, but not our bodies. I sat. I waited. I prayed.
I must regress in time to explain myself. About six weeks back I had the honor of being part of a Visionary Trip, and it was nothing but a blessing to my life. During that trip I had many of those moments with The Creator, and what a wonderful time that was. Now the time had come to put to practice some of the things that became clear to me during that trip. Things about my relationship with The Greater Power, that had been hazy before. Yes, HE knows best. Throwing a tantrum, as a two year old would; will not yield a different outcome. Hiding behind ceremonies and religion will fruit anything, except pretty pictures and funny stories. However, humbling ourselves before The Teacher & The Carpenter, yes, that will most definitely change the outcome. The outcome, as I had envisioned it, had nothing to do with the reality before me. Here I am praying for this man, and instead of asking for healing and a miracle, the most common thing for a Chaplain to do, I asked for God’s will. No, it wasn’t easy, it was very hard. My flesh wanted to tell God what to do. My spirit wanted to accept God’s will. My soul was wondering the Heavens, trying to figure out ways of accepting the worst, and or celebrating the best…for my cup is overflowing…always! Yes, yes, I will explain. Had my friend made it out with a great outcome, it would have been good news, and a celebration. Had my friend not made it out, it would have been a great outcome, and a celebration - also. Ask him. He was ready. For that moment of instructions he was at peace, I was at peace, and I knew that there was Someone/Something way bigger than us in total control. As I placed this person that requested a prayer for the will of God to be done for his life before The Throne of Grace, I too was placing myself before that amazing Throne. Countless prayers I have said requesting my will. Countless prayers I have said requesting the will of a prayer seeker. Oh but how simple it is to go to the Father and tell him what to do. Oh but how simple it is to go to the Son and declare a miracle by his stripes, and end with the amazing, Name that is above all names. Oh but how simple it is to remind to the Holy Spirit, Comforter, comfort, now!
Oh but how precious is to go into HIS presence, humbly, and say: I do not know what you want - it is unknown to me what I am supposed to do - I am in awe of your presence - have your way Lord, teach them to me, take control, and let me not just accept your will, but love your will. A simply wonderful burden is lifted when I did that. No longer had I any ownership of the results, and I was able to rest my soul know very well that Jesus the Christ already had made provision for my friend, no matter what/which way it ended up. As it turned out he made it just fine, to which he was both happy and a little disappointed. I was thrilled for selfish reasons, I did not want to place that phone call to the older brother, I confess.
Times of waiting are times of preparation, and I wasn’t being “prepared” to take care of my friend. The lesson here was for me. Christine, yes, the Lord has control of everything. Yes, Christine, hurry-up and wait! So the Lord Jesus the Christ was great to me, yet again, letting me enter into the Holiest of Hollies to conquer my blessing. Yes, if one wants a blessing, one must conquer it. Did you already forget Jacob?
Christine De Jesús serves as a Chaplain for families with special need children as part of the pastoral staff of Bethel Wesleyan Church in Deland, Florida.
ReplyDeleteChristine, thank you for allow the Holy Spirit to use your life for His Glory.