We had a great time of ministry in Costa Rica last week. On Tuesday morning we made the set up at the San Sebastian Prison for the Kairos retreat. We got the help from many volunteers from all over the country and from the neighbor country of Nicaragua. Later that day we started the process of welcoming the inmates that would be participating at this event. We had more inmates willing to come than the volunteers and the space available. Sadly, we had to turndown 23 inmates for the reasons already stated. Most of them came because they have heard we serve good food.
During that first encounter, the members of our team tried to brake the ice and make the inmates at ease, while they had not idea about what would be happening during that weekend. An sense of suspiction and irony was in the air. It was a very difficult 3 hours. When we concluded our introduction and returned to the Missions House for our debrief, I was a little bit dissapointed because I did not see any breakthrough like in previous times. Thus, I took more time to pray and intercede for the success of this retreat.
Wednesday morning came. Three of the most important gangs leaders were part of our group. They did not want to speak at all. As a matter of fact, one of them told to one of our table hosts; “Sir, please, do not talk to me about God. To me God is trash.” Nonetheless, as the day moves along, people begin to open their hearts to God and His Word. Part of my work during this day was to provide pastoral counseling along with pastor Carlos Figueroa. And by the end of that day we saw tears in the eyes of some of the inmates and got the first two conversions.
Thursday was a day of salvation as the Holy Spirit brought conviction in the hearts of those inmates. It was during the presentation about forgiveness, brother Ken Bauer told his testimony of forgiveness after many years battling against the idea of forgiving the man that killed his mother in his presence when he was 6 years old. We got during that evening most of the inmates committing their lives to Christ. Even the three gang members leaders accepted Christ as their Savior. Furthermore, when they went back to their units, they ask for forgiveness to other inmates that they had caused problems and harm. Also, we had the opportunity to have a meeting with the Warden and other high ranking officers of the prison. They are very grateful for all the work done by Kairos, Voice of Liberty, N.A., and the Asbury United Methodist Church of Madison, Alabama. They provided a tour to areas of the prison that most people do not see (unless you are either a inmate or a staff member of the prison.
By Friday morning, the air was jubilant in the room. Anyone could see the transformative power of the Holy Ghost among these inmates. We had several moments of emotional Pentecostal style of worship combined with presentations that appealed their intellect. Later, in the afternoon hours we had a closing of the retreat with a jubilant ending for the volunteers at the church Jesucristo Es El Senor.
On Saturday, we went earlier in the morning to make a visit at another prison located at the Province of Heredia. This is a small faith based prison with 40 inmates since it is an experimental project between the Costa Rican government and the ministry Voice of Liberty, Costa Rica called A.P.A.C. We had a service for the inmates and Dr. George Lyrene, a physician and a member of our team provided medical advice for the inmates. Then, we went back to the San Sebastian Prison to celebrate a Communion Service in which pastor Antonio Rivera preached the Word of God.
We have returned home with the satisfaction the Word of God was planted in people’s hearts and the implications of this fact are eternal. I want to thank all of the people that made this trip for me possible. Donors, friends, and the Voice of Liberty, North America. Without the Lord and them I would not be able to make this journey. Moreover, I want to thank brothers Antonio Rivera and Efrain Rivera for responding to the call. Their work was invaluable. Meanwhile, let’s continue reaching the world locally, regionally, and abroad with the message of Christ. Pray for us as we begin the plans for our next journey in Costa Rica on the Spring 2011 and a Global Connections Medical trip on 2012. Many blessings.
In Christ,